





How pure is our observation? The psychological interaction between the doctor and his patient.
Nicholas J. Nossaman

In art. 6 and 83 and others, Hahnemann instructs us to be unprejudiced observers as we take each individual case with our patients. In general, this is relatively easier in relation to physical symptoms, though there are many areas in which we can neglect an observation or misinterpret what we hear or see. In regard to mental and emotional symptoms, the situation is even further complicated in that the field, that is constellated in the consultation room, involves the physician and patient in an intimate exchange. In this situation there are unconscious interactions that can influence the interpretation and understanding of the information which emerges.
Dr. Nossaman will examine many of the complicating factors, including transference and counter transference, and will be oriented to maximizing our precision and clarity of observation in behalf of our quest for the simillimum.

Dr. Nicholas J. Nossaman M.D. (USA) has been practicing medicine since 1969. A major focus of his investigations is the unconscious interaction between the doctor and his patient. In his articles and lectures Dr. Nossaman frequently touches upon the basic issues of human existence, yet without ever slipping off into an esoteric or merely speculative domain. His writings are concerned with issues such as “Reflections on death,” “Projection in the consulting room.”
For decades Dr. Nossaman has been active in leading positions at the major instituions of homeopathy in the US. Among others, he served as president of the American Institute of Homeopathy (AIH) and the National Center for Homeopathy (NCH). He was teaching at the University of Colorado School of Medicine, the Metro State College in Denver, Colorado, as well as the Center for Empirical Medicine in Phoenix, Arizona. In addition to his academic activities, Dr. Nossaman is advocating in the health care system for minority groups and the fight against poverty - for instance in coordinating a health care program for Navajo native Americans in Crownpoint, New Mexico.
Dr. Nossaman is co-editor of the Journal of the American Institute of Homeopathy (JAIH). On the international scene, he is known for a number of lectures and papers, among others, concerned with additions to Kent´s repertory, homeopathy and psychoanalysis, and difficult cases.

0A Case of Herpes Zoster
0 A Child With Recurrent Laryngeal Papillomatosis

0 Reflections on Death
0 Projection in the Consulting Room